Monday, September 30, 2019

Overuse Injuries

â€Å"Pain is temporary, pride is forever. † This quote represents what thousands of young athletes are going through daily. Many adolescents who are working hard to become the best in their league are now falling short due to overuse injuries. With childhood obesity increasing, U. S. citizens have overlooked the overuse injuries that affect the active youth. In 2003 more than 3. 5 million children under age 15 suffered a sports injury that required medical treatment, thats about one attended injury for every 10 players, and seventy-five percent of those injuries were the result of overuse (Hyman, 2009). Overuse injuries occur over a long peroid of time and occur after repetitive micro trama to th tendons, The human body has the tremendous capability to adapt to physical stress. However if the body is put under to much stress without the proper amount of rest injury can occur. The most common injury that occurs from this is an overuse injury these include tennis elbow, runners knee, and shin splints. There are three main factors that are contributing to young athletes getting an overuse injury. The first factor is that these young athletes are being trained by parents and coaches who have no background in sports. These inexperienced coaches are providing the young athletes with improper training techniques, which can result in injury. Another factor that is leading to overuse injuries is the amount of pressure being placed on the athlete by coaches and peers. Wether it is a coach teaching their athletes to play through the pain, or parents pressuring their children so they can live vicariously through them, the well being of these young athletes is getting overlooked. The final factor stems from the previous two factors. Coaches are pressuring athletes to become specialized meaning they only participate in one sport. While this alone is not an issue, whats wrong with this is they are being improperly trained year round and rarely are given the rest needed to stay healthy. In the article Overuse Injuries in Young Athletes Doctor James H. Johnson addresses one of the issues with sport specialization â€Å"Young athletes who specialize in just one sport may be denied the benefits of varied activity while facing additional physical, physiologic, and psychologic demands from intense training and competition’’(Johnson, 2005) The effects of the injuries are at first relatively minor. The athlete could get something like runners knee, which is inflammation of the knee joint. If allowed the proper healing time the pain will subside and the athlete can continue training. However if the athlete does not take the rest needed it could lead to getting stress fractures in the bone. These types of fractures can be extremely painful and may take months to fully heal. The effects of these injuries are serious for all athletes, but for the young growing athletes these injuries could lead to bigger problems. For example the stress fractures could effect the growth plate in some athletes. According to Overuse Injuries in Young Athletes the growth cartilage is most vulnerable to repeated micro traumas. This could lead to certain muscles developing faster than the bones they are attached to. Forcing them to attach to a different part of the bone, constricting it and not allowing it to grow properly(Johnson, 2005) Another damaging cause of overuse injuries is arthritis while overtime everyone will at one time get arthritis of some sort in the joints, for those athletes who have sustained many overuse injuries may obtain it at a much younger age. According to the article Until It Hurts many doctors find it very frustrating to see these types of injuries in athletes because with taking the proper precautions while training the risk of getting an overuse injury can be almost eliminated (Hyman, 2009). The treatment for overuse injuries depends on the specific diagnosis. For minor symptoms, reducing the intensity, duration or frequency of training brings relief. switching to a different workout schedule and cross training with other activities that allows the athlete to maintain fitness while the injured area recovers. This is very important for treating the early symptoms of overuse injuries. Working with a coach or teacher or taking lessons can assure proper training and technique. Paying particular attention to proper warm up before activity and using ice after activity may also help. Aspirin or other over the counter anti-inflammatory medications can also be taken to relieve symptoms. If symptoms persist, a sports medicine specialist will be able to create a more detailed treatment plan for the athletes specific condition. This may include a thorough review of the training program and an evaluation for any predisposing anatomic or bio-mechanical factors. Physical therapy and athletic training services may also be helpful. Overuse injuries are one hundred percent preventable, athletes need only take a few important steps to be able to train risk free. The first step is to not do to much to soon, when first starting a sport it is important to start slowly and allow the body time to adjust to that activity. It is best to start out with a warm up before the athlete starts training. starting out with stretches allows the muscles to relax more and it increases blood flow, which helps with support so not as much stress is being placed on the bones. The article Preventing Overuse Injuries, explains proper stretching technique, â€Å"Do not bounce with each exercise. Stretch until you feel tension but not pain†(Preventing overuse injuries, 2010) Stretching is key for a healthy work out, there are many different stretches that can be done. It is best to find stretches that are geared toward the athletes specific sport. Another key point is if any significant pain is felt during training stop. also it helps to do a cool down after training is finished followed by stretching again. If there is any soreness after training is finished the athlete should stretch that area out specifically and then ice it down and possibly take an anti-inflammatory. If athletes were taught these easy steps overuse injuries could be cut down drastically. References Hyman. (2009, april 07). Until it hurts. Retrieved from http://sportsillustrated. cnn. com/2009/more/04/06/youthsports. untilithurts/index. html Johnson, H. (2008, April). Overuse injuries in young athletes. Retrieved from http://www. hscoaches. org/docs/Over_use_injuries. pdfPreventing overuse injuries. (2010). Retrieved from http://familydoctor. org/familydoctor/en/prevention-wellness/exercise-fitness/sports-safety/-preventing-overuse-injuries. html

Sunday, September 29, 2019

Policing in Angola

Abstract With a need to maintain order and protect the citizens, nations such as Angola are grappling with how to create and maintain a police force. This study assesses the strengths and weaknesses of using non-state police forces in a law keeping and enforcement capacity. The results of this study illustrate that there is a high potential for corruption, yet, the need for protection is greater than the possibility of abuse. This study will be of interest to any person delving into the strengths and weaknesses of a non-state policing solution. 1 Introduction The need to ensure the security of the ordinary citizens in the nation of Angola on a day to day basis has prompted the consideration of creating and applying non-state policing actors (Hallsworth et al., 2011; Baker, 2006). With too little money from the regional government given for a police force, outside actors including businesses, private citizens and foreign nations can be utilized as investors in order to provide the service of policing the community. Non-state police forces are often unregulated and have the potential to take on a wide variety of forms that will speak to the characteristics of the surrounding population (Wood et al., 2007; Gill, 1994). Yet, it is necessary to avoid varied forces including vigilante groups that seek their own goals to neighbourhood watches and instead seek to stabilize a community made up of equally varied members giving the population to find them working against the same mutual enemy. Violent crime as well as rampant civil rights abuses has continuously promoted the need for a policing force throughout Angola and the entire African continent (Johnston et al., 2003; Wood et al., 2007). Alongside the need to keep the peace is the inherent need of the underlying community to support the force and the policies resting behind the enforcement of the tenants of the region. What cannot be denied is that despite the potential for abuse, there is a need for a centred and recognizable police force, whether a state or non-state actor, in order to ensure that day to day activities that contribute to the long term health of the nation are attended to. This brief illustrates the pro and con arguments surrounding the non-state police agenda and highlights the strengths and weaknesses of the system. 2 Non state policing in Angola2.1 Pro non state policingThere is several sound reasons that a government such as Angola’s would choose to create and implement a non-state policing force (Wood et al., 2007; Hallsworth et al., 2011). Ranking as the primary motivation is the need for community security that allows for day to day activities to progress without hindrance. Furthermore, this perception of cultural stability aids in the operation of the underlying and associated financial and consumer markets that are themselves integral to the stability of the state (Crank et al., 2007; Baker, 2010). With a law abiding citizenry comes the opportunity to build a sound financial base that allows the operation of external and internal projects. With high crime rates to blame for abuses against the most vulnerable of Angola, the absence of a police force allows the criminal element to come to the fore, which in turn is directly against the needs of the regional population to grow and p rosper (Hallsworth et al., 2011; Baker, 2006). Enforcement of the law is only one facet of any regions police force, making the need for a working unit critical to Angola (Johnston et al., 2003). Absent the taxpayer funds to establish and operate a working force, the non-state police option provides a method that can accomplish the goals of both the government and the consumer community. With a private force the tax payer does not typically feel the sting of payment that these forces need to remain relevant in the states interest (Gill, 1994; Baker, 2006). This element provides many opportunities for private investors to step forth and equip the non-state police force in a manner that some of the poorer nations, such as Angola, can only hope to afford. Furthermore, a key advantage of many outside or private police entities are the established outside contacts and expertise that is brought into the region as a result of the engagement (Crank et al., 2007; Baker, 2006). In many cases the skilled labour may not be present in the im mediate area, requiring the need to look to the outside community for better talent and resources. Another opportunity provided by the consideration of a non-state police force in Angola is the potential to transform relations with neighbour nations or allies by incorporating elements of their working infrastructure (Gill, 1994; Johnston et al., 2003). It is become more common of multinational police forces to work together towards a goal that serves to benefit the entire international outlook by ensuring the stability of the region. Furthermore, this form of non-state or shared policing builds bridges and understanding between enforcement departments that often have work across national and international borders in order to address the issue at hand (Hallsworth et al., 2011). In summary, the primary positives resting behind the non-state police force in Angola is the increase in talent, decrease in state funds spent and the opportunity to find international partners that will assist to maintain order in the long run.2.2 Against Non-state policingAs with any employee or outside agency, bringing in an outside police force to Angola, holds the potential to be abused and subverted to the interests of others (Hallsworth et al., 2011; Baker, 2010). Private interests often play a pivotal role in choosing, maintaining and implementing any form of non-state policing, making the persons behind the effort at once suspect and complicit in the case of corruption. Lending itself well to the spectre of corruption, non-state policing can have chilling impact on the target community by stifling business and community activities to the point that there is a visible loss of enthusiasm and production (Johnston et al., 2003; Wood et al., 2007). Furthermore, this perception o f public abuse on the part of the policing efforts contributes to criminal activity and unproductive behaviour on the part of the local population. A secondary concern when dealing with a non-state police force in Angola is the need for the organisation to properly understand the community that they are assigned to protect (Wood et al., 2007; Crank et al., 2007). Many times an outside operator will mistake a cultural element as a risk, which in turn may lead to an issue that should never have been created in the first place. Furthermore, the local populace may not hold a great deal of confidence in the outside force, which can become a substantial hindrance in the operation of day to day policing activities (Baker, 2002; Wood et al., 2007). If the community is not helpful many opportunities will be lost to the non-state police effort. Yet, this can many times turn into a private citizenry that expects special favours of the police force, leading to another issue that has the potential to lead to widespread abuse and corruption. The level of training and professionalism among these private forces can quickly become a liability in the effort to sustain a working police force (Johnston et al., 2003; Baker, 2002). With many forces seeking to cut corners and save money whenever possible, there is a real potential to provide a undertrained and ill equipped force that could possible cause more harm than good in the region. Furthermore, the less training provided to the force enhances the opportunity for corruption and the skewing of the original effort to protect the citizenry (Baker, 2010; Crank et al., 2007). Finally, with a force that relies on funding there is the real possibility for a rich person or outside organisation to negatively influence the operation of the police force, making the need for oversight both critical and expensive (Wood et al., 2007; Gill, 1994). In summary, the negative aspects of using a non-state police force include possible corruption, lack of training and the absence of cultural sensitivity that aids in conducting many day to day police centred operations. Furthermore, there is the very real opportunity for a well-funded outside entity to have a substantial impact on the operation of the police force, which in turn can produce a range of further negativity. 3 Conclusion The need to ensure the security of the ordinary citizen on a day to day basis throughout Angola has prompted the consideration of a non-state policing system. As this brief indicates, there is a need for a police force in order to create a sustainable and liveable condition in the nation of Angola. Yet, as the evidence insists, the presence of corruption and abuse is likely. However, the need for citizenry protection and stability outweighs the possibility of negative policy. It would seem possible for an Angolan effort to keep the policing force transparent would lead to a working force that benefits the population more than the special interests. Coupled with the reduction in overall state costs, the prospect of a working police force provides outside investors with a reason to hope for stability, thereby increasing the likelihood of investment which aids in the building Angolan infrastructure. In the end, no matter the negative potential, the evidence suggests that a non-state policing force offers more benefit than detriment, leading to the recommendation of creating and implementing a non-state policing force in the African nation of Angola. References Baker, B. (2002). Living with non-state policing in South Africa: the issues and dilemmas. The Journal of Modern African Studies, 40(01). Baker, B. (2006). The African post-conflict policing agenda in Sierra Leone. Conflict, Security & Development, 6(1), pp.25-49. Baker, B. (2010). Grasping the Nettle of Nonstate Policing. Journal of International Peacekeeping, 14(3-4), pp.276-300. Crank, J. and Giacomazzi, A. (2007). Areal policing and public perceptions in a non?urban setting: one size fits one. Policing: An International Journal of Police Strategies & Management, 30(1), pp.108-131. Gill, P. (1994). Policing politics. London: F. Cass. Hallsworth, S. and Lea, J. (2011). Reconstructing Leviathan: Emerging contours of the security state.Theoretical Criminology, 15(2), pp.141-157. Johnston, L. and Shearing, C. (2003). Governing security. London: Routledge. Wood, J. and Shearing, C. (2007). Imagining security. Cullompton: Willan. ZIMBABWE: Security Sector Reform Deadlock. (2011). Africa Research Bulletin: Political, Social and Cultural Series, 48(7), pp.18921C-18923C.

Saturday, September 28, 2019

Arab and Israeli conflict Research Paper Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words

Arab and Israeli conflict - Research Paper Example nding being Arab states, it was evident from the beginning that there would be conflict due to the subdivision of the land and this conflict over land (as one of the main reasons for the Israel-Arab conflict) continues until present with the Palestinians claiming a portion of the land between the West Banka and Gaza strip as theirs but the Israelis remaining adamant over it. This conflict has continued amid the numerous efforts to broker peace (by even international bodies like the United Nations and the superpowers: US and UK) including signing peace treaties. The phrase in discussion emanates from the Sykes-Picot agreement to subdivide the Ottoman Empire land into different zones which ultimately led to an unending war and conflict since 1916. This essay is going to discuss in detail this Arab-Israeli conflict including the efforts towards fostering peace through peace treaties and how that has evidently failed to present. This problem started in 1923 when the British subdivided the land which was originally to be Palestine land according to the Ottoman Empire into two: the larger portion (75% of the land) was awarded to the Palestinians and 25% to the Jews (which are the Israelis). This subdivision did not go very well with other Arab countries nationalists who claimed that this was unfair and they did not want to share the land in any way (despite the Jews having been the first occupants of that land from the 19th Century and it is them who paved way for the currently numerous Arabs occupying that area). The claim of this strip of land that was on the West side of the Jordan river is what has led to this seemingly unending â€Å"head to head† war between the Arabs and the Israelis with each side refusing to give up. With the constant attacks from the Arab-Palestinians over the land, the Jews had no choice but to reiterate and also start defending their territory and preventing further attacks over their land (which was granted to them by the British whether

Friday, September 27, 2019

Critical review on the ratification of principal to the third party Essay

Critical review on the ratification of principal to the third party - Essay Example Here we may cite another example of agency contract in respect of employment of suitable candidates. Numbers of companies are hiring the services of HR consultant to assist them in right sizing and locating the valuable human capital to meet the desired objectives of their companies through rigorous selection process. Moreover, in the shipment of goods to their destined port, the role of clearing and forwarding agencies are worth praising in terms of their services. It is not necessary that the whole tasks of the company be assigned to the agency that performs certain jobs on behalf of their clients. Many relationships do not necessarily require involvement of agency services. Hence, contractors and providers of goods and services do not fall within the category of agency relationship. There are number of laws, which an agency has to follow to perform certain tasks at the behest of their customers. In this particular situation, the law of contract plays key role in defining and discharging responsibilities within the framework. In fact it’s a tripartite relationship amongst a) Self b) Principal and the c) third party. In other words it is a special kind of contract under the agency contract. The principal contract which executes between the principal and the third party is implementable on either sides in favour or against and has the same repercussions as the principal has for self. Since there are no privets of contract between the agency and the third party who had signed the agreement, therefore, the agent has the right to step down. Let us see the important ingredients, which are required to establish an agency a) by signing an agreement b) functional in accordance with law c) authority to strike a deal and d) ratification the act of agent who in some areas does not enjoy the authority of principal to do so. The agency has to perform number of tasks strictly in line with the agreement made

Thursday, September 26, 2019

Robotics Research Paper Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words

Robotics - Research Paper Example Plurality of identity refers to chosen or multiple identities (Miller 2013, 2). Real identity is an aggregate of selves or identity aspects in various contexts and real identity is not subject to manipulation (Cocking 2009, 127; 135). Online identities might correspond to real identity and multiple identities are virtually possible on the same or different online platforms (Ellison 2013, 10; 14). Basically, social media enables users manipulate, diversify or distort identities for legitimate reasons such as privacy or deliberate misinformation. Cocking (2009) asserts that computer-mediated communication enables showcasing of users, entrance and contribution to interest groups and communities (123). Digital technologies have enabled modification of identity or creation of several identities (Ludovico, n.d.). Miller (2013; Ludovico, n.d.) refers to the 1993 New Yorker cartoon of a dog telling another that virtually, nobody knows it is a dog to explain virtual identities (3). The dissolution of the real life identity by technological advances results in fragmentation illustrated by multiplicity of identities and interconnections in various digital media. Private content postings results in partial representations of real life identity which is disjointed and rarely matches the original. Ludovico likens the phenomenon to opening up to strangers not likely to be met again. These online identities are unpredictable since they are constantly updated to create fictitious characters and exaggerate of real ones in identity experimentation. In pre and post web 2.0 standards, social media influenced formation of plural identities. The web 2.0 sites enable user generated content as opposed to the preexisting commercially and institutionally generated content (Vallor 2012; Pasquier 2010, 21). Vallor 2012 asserts that early use of these sites linked

Wednesday, September 25, 2019

North East Referendum of November 2004 Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 5000 words

North East Referendum of November 2004 - Essay Example Moreover the conservative thinking of most of the English people with their reluctance to accept any changes may be another reason for the refusal to consider the development of regional governments. However the Labour government of England had a different view altogether. With disregard to the public opinion the government wanted to push the conservative policies of regionalization of the government. This, the labour government wanted to do as a measure to strengthen the operating mechanisms of the central government in the different regions. With this intention the Government held a referendum in the North East Region of England on the 4th of November 2004, for assessing the public opinion on the regionalization of the government. For whatever reasons, the referendum was rejected overwhelmingly by the voters showing their intention clearly against the formation of any regional assemblies. This paper attempts to discuss in detail among other things, the possible reasons for holding such a referendum, the campaigns made in support and against such referendum, the turnout of the voters and the details of the final results of the referendum. North East region in one of the eight regions of England, that stretches from Scotland to Yorkshire. "The region was created in 1994 and was originally defined as Northumberland, Tyne and Wear, County Durham and Cleveland As part of a reform of local government Cleveland has since been abolished and several unitary districts created." (All Experts) A rich natural heritage makes the region one of the unique locale with its long stretches of coast and extensive upland tracts. The capital of the region is Newcastle-upon-Tyne. The Cathedral city of Durham in this region is the city's political centre and was tipped to get the assembly housed there. Sunderland and Middlesbrough are the other cities of the North East region of England. Basically these cities were industrialized ones. "As such, wages and the standards of living in the region are the lowest in England, with high unemployment the norm" (Andrew Stevens 2004) The region has also returned to the Parliament political bigwigs like Prime Minister Tony Blair himself among others. With this background the government put forth the referendum to the people of North East England to decide on the introduction of a regional government body in the North East region of England. The voters in the region of North East England rejected the proposal for forming a regional assembly in a decisive manner, making the other two planned referenda for different regions shelved by the government at least temporarily. The referendum had a turnout of 47.8 percent, out of which 22.1 percent voted in favour of the regional assembly, while 77.9 percent voted against making their opinion explicit without doubt. 1.2 Government's Views on the Need for a Directly-Elected Regional Assembly: The government of UK had expressed its views on the necessity to have an elected regional assembly for the North East England and with these views only the Office of the Deputy Prime Minister had directed the base work far carrying out a referendum in the region as to assess the public opinion for the creation of the elected regional assembly. The North East Constitutional Convention had identified the following reasons for the North

Tuesday, September 24, 2019

To Outline a Synthesis or Summary of two Quantitative Research Paper

To Outline a Synthesis or Summary of two Quantitative Articles about Nursing Rounds - Research Paper Example Meade, Amy L. Bursell and Lyn Ketelsen (2006) entitled â€Å"Effects of Nursing Rounds on Patients’ Call Light Use, Satisfaction and Safety† which found that hourly rounds by nursing personnel played a significant role in reducing patient falls as well as increasing their satisfaction while at the same time reducing the use of the call light. This study has been designed in a quasi- experimental like the previous study where hourly rounds are conducted by the nurses from two units namely 4S and 6S. 4S is a control unit where data was collected on an hourly round while 6S has been designed to maintain the current practice where there is no change implemented. Research has shown that falls among patients in the US are a problem given that 2.3 to 7 falls occur in U.S. hospitals every 1000 patient days and about 30-48% percent of these falls result in injury among both old and young patients. However, in this study, it has also been found that hourly nursing rounds can decr ease the rate of falls among the patients by 52 %. The study found that patients admitted in hospitals often require assistance with personal tasks such as the use of the toilet as well as during eating times where they will call for assistance using the call light. This study also found that the level of patient satisfaction is determined by his or her perception of the way a nurse conducts her duties. While the call light offers a lifeline to the patients in hospital, it has also been observed that it can be stressful on behalf of the practicing nurse. It often contributes to issues such as fatigue among the nurses and this negatively impacts on their patient care management which is often compounded by the existing shortage of staff. Therefore, hourly rounds have been found to be effective in this particular study which was carried over a twelve month period. At least, the study has been carried over a long period compared to the previous one. The sampling method employed by the study is non-probability sample on all subjects who are 18 years and over admitted to 4 South (Oncology/OBGYN) or 6 South (Orthopedic/Neurology) at Hospital during the period of the research. This method is ideal given that the results are likely to be reliable since it is inclusive of all subjects. This section also summarizes an article by Tucker, S.J. et al (2011) which is entitled "Outcomes and Challenges in Implementing Hourly Rounds to Reduce Falls in Orthopedic Units.† According to this article, patient falls remain a problem especially in acute care facilities as they have negative impacts such as injury to the affected people. Basically, patient fall can be described as unplanned descent to the floor (Curie, 2003). These range from 1.7 to 25 per 1,000 patient days with approximately 6–44% of these resulting in injury. Thus, patient safety through the reduction of falls is a very important phenomenon in the health care industry and can be derived from implementi ng structured nursing rounds interventions (SNRIs) according to this particular study. This study has been designed to establish the rate of patient fall during the three period intervals namely: baseline, during the 12-week SNRI implementation, and 1-year following implementation. According to this paper, evidence of effective interventions to prevent and reduce patient falls is mixed (Oliver et al. 2007; Currie 2008). However, in some studies like the work of Christine M. Meade, Amy L.

Monday, September 23, 2019

The disclosure structure and its effect on performance Essay

The disclosure structure and its effect on performance - Essay Example The research combined content examination of CSR reports, and corporate performance data of various companies covered in the Accountability Rating statistics of the period 2004 to 2007 to facilitate the study. The study utilized a multifaceted approach to analyze influential variables capable of informing the analysis. Particularly, the research related the level, and structure of environmental and societal disclosure to CSP. The research utilized a design capable of addressing study objectives accordingly. The research sample was developed by following informed procedures leading to the establishment of an inclusive sample. The research identified influential variables for measuring the effect of practice on the firm’s performance to examine the effect of the disclosure level and the structure on the company’s CSP. According to Panneerselvam, an ideal study must define all essential variables that when examined can help one develop an informed conclusion. The researche r should acknowledge different types of variables to propose ideal method for assessing each. Researchers conducting the analysis considered the variables while setting a sample for their study. This is evident in the study’s approach of focusing on a sample of organization with essential statistics that allowed researchers assess all necessary variables consistently. The study sourced data from a diverse population of global companies included in reliable business statistics to develop a longitudinal dataset for the study.

Sunday, September 22, 2019

Advantages and Disadvantages of tables computers for traveling Essay

Advantages and Disadvantages of tables computers for traveling salespeople - Essay Example The main aim of this paper is to provide a detailed analysis of the growing use of tablet computers by sales people. The paper would also contain a clear view of the various advantages and disadvantages of the tablet computers that can help salespeople to decide whether to choose tablet computers over other portable devices available in the market. The segments of tablet computers are considered to be one of the growing markets amid other electronic gadgets available in the business market. The main reason behind the growing preference of tablet computers over personal computers (PC’s) and laptops is their superiority in terms of convenience and features when compared to other hand held devices. It is worth mentioning that today’s youth also considers tablet as their first choice over mobile phones as they get larger screens and also provides additional advantages like high battery backup, full screen access and also provides the facility of calling over the laptop. The adaption of tablet PC by salesperson can be widely viewed due to their enhanced features and usability. The prime reason behind adapting tablet computers by salesperson it that, it not only provides them the advantage of carrying it anywhere but also helps in securing the data and helps business organization to keep a track of their sales. It also provides them with the facility to connect to any of their colleagues sitting anywhere. The ability to run programs, managing schedules, contacts can also be considered as an additional feature of tablet computers over laptops and other hand held devices. Though there has been continuous debate amid technological critics about the adaption of tablet computers by salespeople. ... The main aim of this paper is to provide a detailed analysis of the growing use of tablet computers by sales people. The paper would also contain a clear view of the various advantages and disadvantages of the tablet computers that can help salespeople to decide whether to choose tablet computers over other portable devices available in the market. Discussion The segments of tablet computers are considered to be one of the growing markets amid other electronic gadgets available in the business market. The main reason behind the growing preference of tablet computers over personal computers (PC’s) and laptops is their superiority in terms of convenience and features when compared to other hand held devices. It is worth mentioning that today’s youth also considers tablet as their first choice over mobile phones as they get larger screens and also provides additional advantages like high battery backup, full screen access and also provides the facility of calling over the laptop. The adaption of tablet PC by salesperson can be widely viewed due to their enhanced features and usability. The prime reason behind adapting tablet computers by salesperson it that, it not only provides them the advantage of carrying it anywhere but also helps in securing the data and helps business organization to keep a track of their sales. It also provides them with the facility to connect to any of their colleagues sitting anywhere. The ability to run programs, managing schedules, contacts can also be considered as an additional feature of tablet computers over laptops and other hand held devices. Though there has been continuous debate amid technological critics about the adaption of tablet computers by salespeople. Furthermore, it has been viewed that business persons

Saturday, September 21, 2019

Aim of My Life Essay Example for Free

Aim of My Life Essay There is a saying, â€Å"Those who aim high, reach high†. It is indeed true. Without a clear-cut aim in life, life just drifts. It just floats-aimless, rudderless and not knowing where one is heading to. If we look into the lives of great men and women of our times, we see that they had clear- cut aims and well demarcated goals in life. Having clear-cut goals in life is the first step to success, because â€Å"Where there is a will, there is a way†. I have always been very passionate about flying air- crafts. As far as I can remember. I have always wanted to be a pilot. Perhaps, this desire to become a pilot originated in me due to the fact that my uncle is an air- force pilot. His life, the adventure stories he used to tell me, the respect and fame he received, etc. , have all inspired me to follow his foot-steps. But it is not easy to become a pilot, especially an air- force pilot. And I am very much aware of this fact. This job requires a great deal of intelligence and proper education and training. A number of years have to be spent studying aeronautics and other related subjects and gaining proper training. Certain physical fitness is also required. Moreover, risks are the part and parcel of the life of an air force pilot. One must be ready to face any adverse situations, as accidents injuries and even sudden death. This job calls for a great deal of personal discipline, courage and determination. It is one of the toughest professions in the world. Yet I am determined to become one. At present I am putting my very best in my studies. I have joined the N. C. C. to make myself fit and to achieve certain amount of discipline and physical fitness. After my matriculation examination, I intend to study my pre-university course in a renowned college in New Delhi. I would be staying with my uncle in New Delhi so that I could get acquainted with the air force way of life. Another purpose of shifting myself to New Delhi, is to enable me to attend some professional coaching classes for National Defence Selection Test. It is one of the toughest examinations currently held in India. I believe that two years of intense preparation would enable me to get through this test. Once the person passes this test, he is called for an interview. Interview is also equally an important step in the selection process. A good deal of preparation has to go in, before the interview. After the interview is over, there is the physical test which would not be a major problem for me, as I have all the necessary physical standards at present, in respect to my present age. Once a person gets through this stage, he is sent for training as a pilot for two or three years. Training is extremely difficult and â€Å"competence† is the key word in this process. Even at this stage there is certain amount of selection. Only the really fit and competent individuals are sent for higher and more intense training as fighter pilots. Only after several years of intense training, that they are declared to be fighter pilots. Perhaps no other job requires so much of training and updating as the job of a pilot. I do know that everyone who aims does not reach the goal they aim at. Many fail on the way. Some drop out in between. Some get stuck down by bad luck and ill health. As for me, I am doing all I can to reach my goal. Only time will tell, whether I will finally reach my intended goal. I hope that luck and favour will not desert me on the way.

Friday, September 20, 2019

History And Future Of Mahindra And Mahindra Limited Business Essay

History And Future Of Mahindra And Mahindra Limited Business Essay Mahindra and Mahindra limited is a part of the huge Mahindra group. Mahindra is a company, which has started before independence under K.C Mahindra and J.C Mahindra along with Malik Gulam Mohammed. In 1945 the company was called as Mahindra and Mohammed later after independence Malik Gulam Mohammed left the elite and he became the finance minister for Pakistan. After his exit the company changed its name into Mahindra and Mahindra (MM). In 1947, the company started its business from assembling jeeps and slowly moved on to making utility vehicles and agricultural tractors. With in no time MM as emerged as one of the leading brands in India. Today MM is a diversified group employing more that 65,000 people directly. MM has substantial presence in sectors like automobile, equipment for farms, financial services, automobile components, after-market, IT and infrastructure. MM is one of the Indias most respected and reputed business groups. Reputation Institute declared MM as one of the most reputed companies in the world. MM is also only one of the ten Indian companies to get featured in the prestigious Forbes magazine. Over the past few decades the company has grown in the international automotive segment.  MM has a strong presence in several countries across the world including Italy, Spain, Turkey, Australia, South Africa, Brazil, Chile and South Asia.   Few of the core values of the MM are Good Corporate Citizenship, Professionalism, Customer First, Quality Focus and Dignity Of The Individual. We dont have a group-wide mission statement. Our Core Purpose is what makes all of us want to get up and come to work in the morning Anand G. Mahindra. The core purpose of MM: Indians are second to none in the world. The Founders of our nation and of our Company passionately believed this. We will prove them right by believing in ourselves and by making Mahindra Mahindra Limited known worldwide for the quality of its products and services. Milestones achieved MM: 1945 2nd October 1945 Mahindra and Mohammed established. 1949 Jeep assembly started. 1956 Company shares were listed on Bombay Stock Exchange (BSE). 1969 MM started their venture into the world market by exporting utility vehicles and spare parts. 1975 MM developed diesel engine for over coming the fuel crisis. 1983 MM became the market leader in the Indian tractor market. 1986 established Tech Mahindra. 1994 Implemented BPR programs. 2000 MM adopted a new logo. 2002 Launched SUV Scorpio. 2004 Launched Mahindra World tractor in International Market. 2009 MM launched Xylo. 2010 MM acquired Ssangyong and a major share in electric car company Reva. Few factors that affect the business environments are: Social factors: Every business organisation operates within the norms of the society and exists primarily to satisfy its needs. Hence, a business organisation has an important position in social system. The social factors influence the policy and strategy of business; the organisation strives to satisfy the needs and wants of the society. There are many social factors that affect the policy and strategy of corporate management. Culture, value, tastes and preferences, social integration and disintegration, and so on must be a part of every business organisation. As observed by Keith Davis and Robert Blomstrom, business is a social institution performing a social mission and having a broad influence on the way people live and work together. Many companies that are hugely successful contribute a lot to the society. At MM corporate social responsibility is taken very seriously in 2009 MMs employees contributed 49,280 man-hours towards social programs. Mahindra and Mahindra contribute 1% of its profit after tax (PAT) for developing the society every year. MM considered education and training as powerful tools to address majority of Indian social challenges. Corporate Social Responsibility has always been an integral part of the vision of the Mahindra Group and the corner stone of our core value of good corporate citizenship Keshub Mahindra. In a way by helping the society, MM is enjoying the fruits of it, after all business is only a part of the society. I think because of MMs strong CSR activities it is wining the hearts of the people and not allowing any NGO to point fingers. Ecological Factors: Protection of the environment and preservation of ecological balance is the responsibility of every business organisation. Ecology deals with the study of the environment, biotic factors, abiotic factors, and their interactions with one another. A change in any biotic or a biotic factor causes ecological imbalance. Industrial activities, automobiles, emission of fumes or smoke and effluents, and so on, result in environmental degradation. MM is committed to the preservation of ecological balance. MM has turned 400 acres of barren land in to a park; MM had planted across 7000 trees near its factories to counterfeit the pollution. Environment is the key factor that no company tries to neglect. MM takes up lot of activities to help the environment. Its a fact that buildings consume 40 percent of the worlds energy; keeping this in mind MM started retrofitting their towers for Energy efficiency. The result was that they started consuming 10 percent less energy when compared with their previous consumptions. The retrofitting has affected an average savings of 36,185 kWh / month, the equivalent CO2  saved is 29.3 tonnes / month. As carbon-di-oxide is one of those gases that contribute to global warming MM decided to reduce the consumption of paper. Now MM uses different software to keep the use of paper as low as possible. MM took up an activity of refurbishing of water reservoir, which is now helping 4000 dwellers. Economic Factors: Economic factors, such as per capita income, national income, resource mobilisation, infrastructure development, capital formation, employment generation, and so on, influence the business environment. The economic performance of a company also determines its business environment. The economic factors helped MM to some extent to become successful, like getting cheap labourers etc. but MM had really worked very hard to over come the other things like formation of capital in not so strong economy, dealing with infrastructure problems etc. Government Policies: The government policies provide the basic environment for business. Industrial and licensing policies, trade policies, labour policies, export-import policies, foreign exchange policies, taxation policies etc pave the way for business environment. In brief the policies that were changed and their effect on MM. In between the period of 1947 to 1979 the government intervention was too much and indirectly the government was playing the major role. As MM was not a huge company at that time the government protected it. The policies gave an encouragement to the industry that in turn means encouragement to the company. The one disadvantage MM faced was due to licensing competition was curbed. In between period 1980 to 1990 the policies were a bit liberal and government less involved in companies activities. In this time frame competition slowly picked up which helped MM to be more efficient and effective. After 1991 government never played a direct role but played an indirect role. Due to liberalization MM started raising its standards and started simulating demand. Only after 1991 MM started exporting a lot and investing in RD a lot. The above snap shot shows how important are policies for a business. The success tool for MM was having the flexible nature, which allowed it to take advantage of the policies. Cultural Factors: The cultural factors of a business environment should also be taken into consideration while scanning the environment and during the policy formation. Policymakers in a global business cannot disregard cultural variables like social and religious practices, education, knowledge, rural community norms and beliefs. A company like MM, which has its growth in a globally oriented way, takes these cultural factors very seriously; one example is that MM supplies customised jeeps to Australia, which suits their local style or culture. Geographical factors: In a global business environment, geographical locations, seasonal variations, climatic conditions etc. considerably affect the tastes and preferences of customers, and also prospects and the labour force. The pace of development in various geographical locations considerably influences the policies of the government regarding industrial locations. Some times this helped MM because, if the government wants to develop some particular region it gives a lot of subsidies for the companies that are interested in setting up their plant in that region. Legal Factors: Law in India regulates every aspect of business. Hence, the legal government plays a very vital role in the business. The legal factors in India (pre liberalisation) that effected MM are like heavy protection from government by using the licenses, huge excise duties, discrimination done by the government on the basis of price, very high import duties and liberal policies for the foreign players. During this period MM was not so successful in expanding but after liberalisation MM grew at a huge rate. The legal factors post liberalisation period that helped MM grow are like the complete removal of the license raj system, excise duties were continuously restructured, reducing the duties on import and allowing fdi. Labour factors: Although labour with in the organisation constitute its internal environment, general labour policies and climate may form a part of the external environment. MM always strictly followed Labour laws in compensating their employees and other things that fall under that law. One incident were MM dint handled its employees very well was in 1994 when company went for Business Process Reengineering (BPR) their was huge opposition from the labour unions then the company after few months managed the situation and till date the company enjoyed the support of its employees. One of the core principles of MM states that their employees are considered as a very valuable resource. Technological Factors: Technology is considered to be one of the most important factors of any business environment. That is why the Government has always stressed about sophisticated technology and technology transfer in most of its policies. Foreign investment up to 100 percent is allowed in industries with sophisticated technology. MM has always laid emphasis on RD and always tried to make technologically sound products. The recent acquisition of Ssangyong motors by MM was mainly for the technology, this shows the companies quest for technology. MM recently acquired the electric car company Reva that shows their prediction for the future and they what to be ready by not considering technology as a barrier to their success. Competitive Market Condition: Competitive market condition is an important environmental factor, especially in a global business environment. In a socialist economic environment, a centralised authority -the government controls the market whereas the competitive forces determine the market in a fully capitalist economy. India, which has accepted the middle path, had been fostering both the conditions. As a result of liberalisation, some characteristics integrating the Indian economy with the global economy has emerged. As a result, a competitive market condition has emerged in India, creating a competitive business environment. A situation of perfect competition is seen in automobiles, fmcg etc. This is often taken as an opportunity by MM to grow and to show its capability in the market. Creating competitive market is the responsibility of every player in the market. MM keeps its responsibility by having competition in terms of both price and non-price with its other counter parts. In a way MM is helping itself and also the economy. A competitive business environment is an essential characteristic of globalisation. The nature of competition varies in different economic systems. In the context of widespread globalisation process, tremendous changes are taking place in the business environment of economic systems. MM concern for the international business environment is understandable in relation to the globalisation of business. Conclusions: All the above factors have affected MM in positive and negative way. But by studying these very closely has helped MM to take or to develop broad strategies and very long term policies for itself, by having clear understanding of the different environment factors MM was able to analyse its competitors strategies and, thereby, formulate effective counter strategies. Knowledge about the environment helped MM to be dynamic in its approach, which means that MM had very flexible structure for their strategies or policies that helped them to be dynamic in nature. Being a company that has expanded overseas needs to understand the above factors to have a visibility over the changing socio-economic factors at the national and international level for its stability. The executives of MM were able to adjust to the prevailing conditions and, thus, influence the environment in order to make it congenial for business. The environmental factor plays a major role for MM to expand overseas. In the post liberalisation period government reducing the import duties helped the company to improve its infrastructure and technologies. With the allowance of fdi in to the country MM started expanding and in a way made it a conglomerate. The structure of the industry, which includes the company and the competitors in addition to the potential entrants, suppliers, buyers, and so on determines the level of competition. Hence, the environment is influenced by all of them in some manner or the other. The business policy of every player has, therefore, to take cognisance of the treats posed by every other player including the entrants. Thus, subject to the influence of a number of factors, the business environment provides opportunities and threats, while its internal environment provides its strengths and weaknesses.

Thursday, September 19, 2019

Narrative on Brown v. Board of Education Exhibit Essay -- Narrative Pa

Narrative Assignment Walking into a lecture hall in Gregory Hall, I really didn’t know what to expect. I dressed as I would any other day; an Abercrombie shirt, a pair of frayed shorts and some casual sandals. I sat towards the front of the room and arrived slightly early to ensure a good seat. The name of this Brown v. Board education discussion was entitled, "Rethinking Slavery: 1800-1861,† and was arranged by the Mellon initiative. As I waited to observe the audience as they filled the seats with pencil in hand, I was amazed by the amount of diversity I saw before me. By the time the lecture was ready to set foot, I observed that nearly the entire lecture hall was filled. I would say that the hall where our discussion was being held in could probably hold around 300 people. The majority of the audience was not students forced to write a paper on the Brown v. Board Commemoration events, but rather scholars who were on average in their mid-40s. It seemed as though everyone knew each other to some degree. At one point, I saw a woman walk in with her young son and they were greeted by one of the first presenters. Oftentimes, groups of 2 or 3 walked into the room and they would sit down in no particular section of the seating and proceed to talk moderately loudly and peacefully. There was a sense of joy and rejuvenation in the air. After making my final observations of the crowd, I noted that it was a pr edominantly white showing! Not something I would expect to see when attending a discussion on slavery. It was a spectacle for me to see a group of Asian Americans nodding in unison when points were made during the seminar relating to black and white race relations. I would say that African-Americans wer... ...ree topics in detail instead of giving us new incite on slavery? Finally what followed was a short question and answer section. Professor Ira Berlin was so excited about getting food at the following reception that he had to be reminded about the questioning section. How much compassion does that show I wondered? I observed that most of the questions Professor Berlin received were from African-American’s though their presence in the lecture was towards the bottom of the spectrum. The majority of questions that were being asked inferred the level of political correctness in the way in which Berlin addressed certain racial issues. It seemed as though the questions were rather insignificant and that the questioners knew the answers they’d receive before they asked them. After all, wasn’t everyone in that room that attended voluntarily there for the same general cause?

Wednesday, September 18, 2019

Animal Farm, by George Orwell :: Animal Farm Essays

George Orwell's novel Animal Farm does an excellent job of drawing parallels from the situation leading up to the Russian Revolution of 1917. Animal Farm is a satire that uses its characters to symbolize leaders of the Russian Revolution. The animals of "Manor Farm", the setting of this novel, which symbolizes Russia, overthrow their human master after years of mistreatment. Led by the pigs, the farm animals continue to do their work, only with more pride, knowing that they are working for themselves, as opposed to working for their human master, Farmer Jones. Slowly over time the pigs gain power and take advantage of the other animals. They gain so much power that they become just as power hungry and corrupt as their human master. The theme in the novel being that in every society there are leaders who will, if given the chance, likely abuse their position. Old Major is a prize white boar who helps point out to the animals that no animal in England is free. He continues to tell the animals that the their labor is stolen by man, who benefits alone. The animals in return get near nothing, just enough to keep them away from starvation. Old Major gave many speeches to the farm animals about hope and the future. He is the main animal who got the rebellion started even though he died before it actually began. Old Major's role compares to Lenin and Marx whose ideas would spark the communist revolution. Lenin became the leader and teacher of the working class in Russia, and their determination to struggle against capitalism. Like Old Major, Lenin and Marx wrote essays and gave speeches to the working class poor. The working class in Russia, as compared with the barnyard animals in Animal Farm, were a laboring class of people that received low wages for their work. Old major tells the animals that the source of the problem is man, they must overthrow man to abolish tyranny and hunger. Soon Old Major does die, but his words still echo in the hearts of all the animals. With the leadership of the pigs, the smartest animals, they repel against the human and gain complete control of the farm. This would symbolize the Russian Revolution. Another parallel represented in the book is Farmer Jones. His character is similar to the politician Czar Nicholas who treated his people similar to how Farmer Jones treated his animals. Animal Farm, by George Orwell :: Animal Farm Essays George Orwell's novel Animal Farm does an excellent job of drawing parallels from the situation leading up to the Russian Revolution of 1917. Animal Farm is a satire that uses its characters to symbolize leaders of the Russian Revolution. The animals of "Manor Farm", the setting of this novel, which symbolizes Russia, overthrow their human master after years of mistreatment. Led by the pigs, the farm animals continue to do their work, only with more pride, knowing that they are working for themselves, as opposed to working for their human master, Farmer Jones. Slowly over time the pigs gain power and take advantage of the other animals. They gain so much power that they become just as power hungry and corrupt as their human master. The theme in the novel being that in every society there are leaders who will, if given the chance, likely abuse their position. Old Major is a prize white boar who helps point out to the animals that no animal in England is free. He continues to tell the animals that the their labor is stolen by man, who benefits alone. The animals in return get near nothing, just enough to keep them away from starvation. Old Major gave many speeches to the farm animals about hope and the future. He is the main animal who got the rebellion started even though he died before it actually began. Old Major's role compares to Lenin and Marx whose ideas would spark the communist revolution. Lenin became the leader and teacher of the working class in Russia, and their determination to struggle against capitalism. Like Old Major, Lenin and Marx wrote essays and gave speeches to the working class poor. The working class in Russia, as compared with the barnyard animals in Animal Farm, were a laboring class of people that received low wages for their work. Old major tells the animals that the source of the problem is man, they must overthrow man to abolish tyranny and hunger. Soon Old Major does die, but his words still echo in the hearts of all the animals. With the leadership of the pigs, the smartest animals, they repel against the human and gain complete control of the farm. This would symbolize the Russian Revolution. Another parallel represented in the book is Farmer Jones. His character is similar to the politician Czar Nicholas who treated his people similar to how Farmer Jones treated his animals.

Tuesday, September 17, 2019

War of 1812 Essay -- essays research papers fc

  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  The War of 1812 was a war between Britain and the United States fought primarily in Upper Canada. It had many causes, few which involved British North America. The results of the war include the fact that there was no clear winner or loser among them. The only real losers in the situation were the Natives in the region. They were driven out of their lands and customs. None of the borders was changed by the war, though many attempts were made. The Treaty of Ghent, which ended the war, did nothing to advance the state of the countries. It went so far as to end the war and put things back the way that they were, but the main causes of the conflict were not addressed or dealt with. In order to evaluate the significance of this war, Canadian victories and losses, as well as overall results, must be analyzed.   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Most Canadian victories came in the form of preventing American attack from being successful. This is the main Canadian reason for believing they won this war. An example of this occurred on 12 July 1812, when General Hull and his troops crossed into Canada. Their invasion was promptly met and turned away by opposing forces. This also happened in the Battle of Raisin River on 21 January 1813. American General Winchester surrendered to British Colonel Proctor, losing 500 prisoners. Perhaps the most significant of Canadian victories was the burning of Washington. When the British forces won the battle of Bladensburg, it â€Å"opened the door to Washington†. The Capitol Building and the White House were destroyed but luckily, for the Americans, torrential rains put out fires in the rest of the city. To the Canadians from 1812-1814, this was reason enough to believe that they were victorious. To Canadians now it seems a shallow way to claim triumph.   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Notable role models were born out of this war for Canadians. Sir Isaac Brock was a prominent figure. He was â€Å"Commander of Forces in Upper Canada† and later added Administrator to his title. Being engulfed by politics proved too much for Brock, who left to join forces in the march upon Detroit (August 1812). He led troops to victory here, but lost his life in the Battle of Queenston Heights in October 1812. To this day, Brock is well renowned throughout Canada as a fearless leader and important to the history of the country. Another... ...sp;Canada: Copp Clark Ltd., 1998 Feldmeth, Greg. Key Events and Causes: War of 1812, 31 March 1998,   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚ (21 October 1999, 5   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  November 1999) Filewood, Alan. â€Å"National Battles: Canadian Monumental Drama and the   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Investiture of History.† In Modern Drama. 38. (Spring 1995) 71-86 Stanley, George F.G. The War of 1812 Land Operations. Canada: MacMillian of   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Canada, 1983 Turner, Wesley. The War of 1812. The War That Both Sides Won.   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Toronto: Dundurn Press, 1990 Zaslow, Morris. The Defended Border, Upper Canada and the War of 1812.   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Toronto: MacMillian of Canada, 1983 The War of 1812- Causes of the War, â€Å"n.d.†   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚ (26 October 1999, 13   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  November 1999) The War of 1812, Major Battles, â€Å"n.d† (18   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  October 1999, 5 November 1999)

Monday, September 16, 2019

How does Shakespeare compare and contrast the characters of Antonio and Shylock in the trial scene? Essay

Shakespeare portrays the characters Shylock and Antonio in the trial scene to be victims of the trial scene. In my opinion, Shylock is the main victim as he is discriminated for following a different religion to everyone else in the court. Being a Jew meant that the other people in the court were racist against Shylock meaning that they treated him unfairly in comparison to Antonio; who was helped in every way so that he could win the trial and Shylock would not get his pound of flesh. Shakespeare uses language to create an impression of what the characters are like for the audience so they consider what the situation is like for both of the characters. Continuing with language, Shakespeare uses violent, strong and hateful language when Shylock is speaking to show that he is very strong willed and confident when claiming something that is his own. Shakespeare also focuses mainly on law when Shylock is speaking to show that Shylock depends on the law to make his case for his pound of flesh. However Shakespeare uses softer, calm and passive language when Antonio is speaking to get across to the reader that Antonio is very resigned and defeatist in the trial; it makes him seem resigned and that he doesn’t have any hope anymore. Shakespeare doesn’t so much focus on the law when Antonio is speaking but of the good will of Shylock and if he will show mercy. In spite of this, Shylock does not show mercy and tries to convince the duke to grant him his pound of flesh. Shakespeare uses comparison between Christians and Shylock as a way of convincing the duke. In line 89 – 103 Shylock talks about the slaves that the duke a nd many other Christians have. ‘You have among you many a purchased slaves’ is a line Shakespeare uses when Shylock is talking. These slaves that the duke and other Christians have purchased belong to them and so they can do what they please with them. This is the same with Shylock’s pound of flesh; it belongs to him and therefore he can do whatever he wants with it whether he chooses to cut it off or not. On the other hand Antonio does not fight for his case as hard as Shylock does. In lines 114 – 118 Shakespeare writes in such a way that the audience thinks that Antonio has given up. ‘Meetest for death; the weakest kind of fruit’ this means that Antonio is prepared for death and that he calls himself the weakest of all Christians. These lines simply explain that Antonio is weak and he has no hope of living. Shakespeare uses words like ‘tainted, drops earliest and weakest’ to make the audience feel sorry for Antonio because there is  nothing a weak Christian could do in his situation. In lines 117 and 118 Antonio says to Bassanio that it is better that you live so yo u can remember me. Shakespeare does this to show the audience that he is, in a way, saying goodbye to his friend. Following on from this, Antonio has many people in the court who are friends of his so they stay bias towards him. Unlike Shylock who has many enemies in the court who detest him for mainly his religion but also for the bond he has over Antonio. In lines 128 – 138 Shakespeare uses harsh language to depict Gratiano to have a monumental hatred over Shylock. Line 128 ‘governed a wolf, who – hanged for human slaughter’, Shakespeare makes the audience realise that Gratiano sees Shylock as no more than a vile wolf who should be hanged for the bond he has over Antonio. Throughout the whole of lines 128 – 138 Gratiano expresses his hatred by comparing Shylock to ‘inexecrable dog’ and wolves to show the audience that he thinks Shylock should be treated as these animals are treated. Antonio too is treated poorly, but instead of the court treating him unfairly, Shylock treats him unfairly. Too often is Antonio victimised by Shylock because Shylock feels he has a hold over Antonio because of the bond he agreed to. In line 139 Shakespeare makes the audience feel sorry for Antonio by making the other characters in the court refer to him as ‘a pound of flesh’ and a ‘bond’. This gives the impression that Shylock has control over Antonio and that Antonio is only there for so that Shyloc k can take his pound of flesh. Shakespeare makes the audience feel that Shylock does not see him as an ordinary Christian but he sees him as his own bond and his own pound of flesh that is rightfully his by law. However, unlike Shylock, Portia doesn’t use law when she first arrives at the court; instead she pleas for mercy from Shylock. In lines 180 – 201 Portia presents her speech about how Shylock should be merciful towards Antonio as he is offering to pay more than his original price of ducats. But also Portia says that he should try to be a good Jew and allow mercy on Antonio so that his life will not be lost. Shakespeare gives Portia this thoughtful speech to show the audience how desperately she is trying to find a way to keep Antonio alive. Shakespeare also uses words like ‘heaven’ and ‘god’ to show that Shylock’s religion has a lot to do with the mercy he should give Antonio. Unfortunately Shylock does not care for mercy, love or friendship; instead the most important things to Shylock are his money and possessions. Shylock  is very different to Antonio and Bassanio as they care about each other through love and friendship. In lines 26 0 – 277 Antonio says goodbye to Bassanio his dear friend; Shakespeare uses language to prove Antonio and Bassanio’s friendship. ‘Give me your hand, Bassanio. Fare you well’, Shakespeare gives the affect that Antonio is talking soft and calm to his friend so that he can say goodbye properly. ‘To let the wretched man outline his wealth’, Antonio says this to Bassanio to say that Shylock is an evil man who has favoured wealth and possession over an innocent life. Luckily Antonio did not have to say goodbye to Bassanio as Portia found a pothole in the bond meaning that Shylock was not allowed to take a Christian citizen’s blood or take more or less than the pound of flesh; so Shylock said that he would not take the flesh and leave. In lines 343 – 359 Portia is not merciful to Shylock to let him walk free as he was not merciful to Antonio even though he had many chances to be. Shakespeare does this to teach a lesson so that the audience knows that they should treat others how they would like to be treated. In this case Shylock should have been merciful so that the duke and Portia could be merciful back. Ultimately I think both characters were victimised in the trial scene but for different reasons. Shylock was victimised for being a different religion to those in the court whereas Antonio was victimised just for being hated by Shylock. I think the main problem is racism between the two religions that causes unfair treatment; but m ost of the racism was put on Shylock. All in all, Shakespeare successfully manages to make the audience sympathize for both characters throughout the trial scene.

Sunday, September 15, 2019

Morality depends on God’s command Essay

Humans, from the cradle to the grave, are taught to respect society and its many pre-existing intricate systems, often with no rhyme nor reason.   How can one really know what, and if, social systems are beneficial to them, when one is forced to live under the watchful eye of the society who created these systems, and wish them to continue?   Questioning society is something that is reserved for those who wish for better systems than the ones they were given, ones that will serve to improve the human condition.   However, society often neglects these difficult questions, accepting instead easy answers, commonly accepted and passed down through the generations.   Within the confines of a questionable society arises humans who dedicate their lives to the searching for answers to these questions, in hopes of providing humankind with a better understanding of its place.   Philosophers are the title bestowed upon these individuals, and one such philosopher who searched for truth , was Karl Marx. Karl Marx was a philosopher who interpreted the world, and through his interpretations, he succeeded in changing it.   Whether or not it was for the better or the worse, remains discussion amongst many scholars.   Among his many philosophical observations were; religion is a type of illusion, that history itself is linear and progressive.   He also supported women’s liberation and stated that an important goal of improving the human condition to be achieved by creating a new type of society for everyone.   A new society for everyone would mean the abolition of the old.   It was this revolutionary nature of his philosophy which created a fear among those few who were, and those who still are, in power.   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚   Marx was a fervent supporter of social criticism, and he believed that the criticism of religion was the premise of all criticism.   In his view, he found it to be a type of illusion.   Marx borrowed his religious philosophies from Feuerbach who wrote that man makes religion, not vice-versa, and in creating God in his own image, had â€Å"alienated himself from himself† (Marx, 1978/1848, p. 53).   This meant that man had created a greater being in contrast to himself, reducing himself to a despicable creature who needed both the dogma of the church and the laws of government to guide and control him. Marx agreed with this philosophy and described religion as the, â€Å"sigh of the oppressed creature, the sentiment of a heartless world, the soul of soulless conditions,† adding that religion was â€Å"the opium of the people† (1978/1848, p. 54). Marx believed that the human condition causes people to create illusions, religion being one, which create a false happiness.   He called for people to abandon their illusions and demand for their real happiness.   The criticism of religion created an awareness as to its illusory nature, and Marx felt strongly that man should be able to create an illusion-free existence, relying instead on his reason. To Marx, religion prohibits man from realizing himself as the center of his existence, an in place, creates an environment in which religious belief dictates his action.   Men can never be free, as long as they accept their existence as subservient beings, indebted to a omnipotent supreme being.   Religion is a tradition which has survived the ages, though constantly changing to suit the times.   Events such as the Reformation, or the Great Schism, only serve to support this, for religion, like all things man-made, is only used if it is a useful part of society.   Marx believed that if religion were abolished human beings would overcome their self-inflicted alienation.   The abandonment of this illusion, in Marx’s view, could be one of many crucial steps mankind towards advancement. Marx believed that humans could find meaning in history, which he believed to be linear and progressive.   He saw history as the unfolding of class struggles, between the owners of the productive forces, bourgeoisie, and the workers, proletariat.   With his conception of history, Marx used scientific observation to show how history was really the â€Å"history of production†.   He set human existence as being the first premise in history.   Humans must live to create history, so he showed how humans survive, by producing useful things out of natural material. Through this he showed how man is the producer, and by using natural materials, he created a new â€Å"man-made† nature over the original.   This â€Å"material† conception of history is based on Hegel’s conception of history, along with Feurerbach’s criticism of it, but whereas Hegel claims man to be a self-alienating spirit, Feurerbach claims man to be self-alienating in its own, and the â€Å"spirit† Hegel speaks of, is actually the thought process taking place in the mind.   Marx argued that this human thought was determined by social and economic forces, particularly those related to the means of production. He explains that the ruling class of each historic period, is the class that controls the material force of society, and their ideas prevail.   The â€Å"goals† or â€Å"ideals† of each earlier generation, he points out, are only formed by the later generations based the influence the prior generations had.   This led Marx to develop a method of analysis called Dialectical Materialism, in which the clash of historical forces leads to changes in society. He also declared that all history is the history of class struggles, whether it be the slave-master relationship of earlier ages, or the employee-employer relationship of today.   Marx expressed history as the process of human self-development, and criticized the common economic system of Capitalism.   He claimed that Capitalism must be abandoned in favor of a better economic system.   He also felt this would happen, for he believed man to be capable of such a development. What, according to Marx, is the good life? Why is it unattainable under capitalism? Critically analyze Marxs views. Marx believed that the important goal of improving the human condition to create the good life was to be achieved by creating a new type of society for everyone.   Marx claimed that in a Capitalist society, which still remains the most common economic system, the struggle between the working class, or proletariat, and the ruling business class, or bourgeoisie, would eventually end in the formation of a new society, a classless society.   â€Å"Society can no longer live under this bourgoeisie, in other words, its existence is no longer compatible with society,† sated Marx his work, Manifesto of the Communist Party (1978/1848, p. 483).  Ã‚   To Marx, the good life was impossible under a capitalist system. Marx points out how human history has delivered its share of class struggles turned to revolutions, and the bourgeoisie society will be no different.   In his writings, he often uses the French Revolution as an example, citing the uprising of the bourgeoisie against the former feudal society.   The one constant in the history of man has been the fact that some men have what other men wish too have, but do not.   This puts man in competition with each other, and this leads to struggle amongst man, rather than cooperation amongst man.   This consequently leads men to feel separated from others, by the share fact that they become opposing forces. Marx applied this idea of alienation to private property, which he said causes humans to work only for themselves, not for the good of their species.   Because Capitalism has its roots in private ownership, he felt that it created an environment, ripe for greed and avarice to develop.   This prevents man from focusing on cooperating, and maximizing their potential.   Marx felt that it must be abandoned for the good of the species, and man’s continuing development towards enlightenment.   The economic system he proposed was a socialist one, or communism.   He called for a communist society to overcome the dehumanizing effect of private property. Marx’s proposed communist society would be one that would provide for all.   Many believe his view on the possibility of communism succeeding was pure idealism, but he believed that it was crucial for man.   By creating a society where man could work together towards a common goal, it would be able to achieve many more important results.   Marx believed that this could help create a classless society in which all men are provided for, and free to endeavor as they please.   Certainly, in its pure form, communism seems that it would be able to thrive.   However, since its inception, it has developed a negative connotation in many countries, especially in the United States, which fought a â€Å"Cold War† with the hated â€Å"commies.†Ã‚   The failure of the Soviet Union, the Communist leader in the world, led many to believe that it was a system doomed to failure.   Despite that, communism and Marx’s beliefs in it, were all part of his plan of lib erating man, and women as well.   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚   Amongst the many little-known facts about the philosophies of Karl Marx, was his support for women’s liberation in a time when they did not share the privileges of men.   He believed that this would encourage greater equality within societies, therefore making life better for the society as a whole.   More than a century ago, many years before women were allowed to vote in the United States, Marx wrote of his views towards women’s rights.   In the modern bourgeoisie society, Marx explained in so many words, that women in a capitalist system were nothing more to men than another instrument of production. Men, who controlled the world as wells as it’s productive forces, also controlled women.   Because the instruments of production are to be exploited, women are exploited.   With the abolition of the bourgeoisie society, women would be free from every form of prostitution, public or private.   For the Communists, there was, â€Å"no need to introduce community of women; it has always existed almost from time immemorial† (1978/1848, p. 488)   But traditional capitalistic values make this fact all but impossible to notice, and for Marx, women’s equality was another step towards human enlightenment and the good life.   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚   The philosophies of Karl Marx continue to draw varied opinions.   For many years, people who were believed to be communist were persecuted, many in spite of their actual innocence.   In the United States, propaganda and political movements against Marxist philosophies, created fear in and ignorance in millions.   Perhaps, it is the revolutionary nature of Marxist philosophy that has many men of power frightened.   Perhaps, an educated and motivated working class, with nothing too lose but their shackles, is something which causes fear in those who have everything too lose.   Anyone with common sense would be able to see the benefits of helping our fellow man, and the benefits of pooling our collective talents towards a common goal.   But as long as people continue to accept their oppression, the goal of enlightenment grows more distant.   â€Å"WORKING MEN OF ALL COUNTRIES, UNITE!† (1978/1848, p. 500). Works Cited: Marx, K. (1978/1848). Communist Manifesto. The Marx-Engels Reader. Trans. Tucker, R. C., Second Edition. New York:   W. W. Norton.

Assess the Importance of Employability

Assess the importance of employability, and personal skills in the recruitment and retention of staff in a selected organisation. Introduction In this task, I’m a going to talk about the importance Importance of employability is to refer a person’s capability for gaining and maintaining employment. For personalities, employability depends on the knowledge, skills and abilities they possess, the way they present those assets to employers, and the context e. g. ersonal conditions and labour market environment within which they seek work. As such employability is affected by both supply side and demand side factors which are often outside of an individual's control. This will make Burger King Employment much better by giving out these particular things. Suitable qualifications: Knowledge and skills that a candidate must have to be eligible for the job. Burger king will require candidates to have good qualifications, so they’re can upper come the duties and position at the job.Certain qualifications such as GCSE, degrees, diploma and training courses having the ability to speak another language terms that would otherwise be interpreted broadly. They don’t have a suitable qualification to work at burger king because it isn't really important to the company just that they need to have Maths and English. Without these qualification employers cannot employ Experience in a similar role: All candidates must have an experience in another fast food retailer E. g. Mac Donald's, so that burger king can know if that person is good enough for the job.They must have experience in a similar role to what they did in Mac Donald's, dealing with customers keeping the cooking area clean. (Asses) Knowledge of products/services: Burger King Employers must have knowledge of the products, because that can mean more sales. It will be difficult to sell to consumers if Burger King couldn’t show how a particular product would address to a customer needs. So Burger King Employers will need to have good communication skills, having an understanding of the products to use different techniques and methods for presenting the product to customers. (Asses)

Saturday, September 14, 2019

Counseling Ethics Essay

Ethics are based on philosophical principles and these guidelines assist a practitioner in making the best possible decisions for the welfare of the clients and the practitioner himself. Ethics are normative or critical in nature and concern human conduct and moral decision. Morality describes decision making and judgement by an individual concerning an incident or human behaviour. This is greatly influenced by the values he or she has acquired or formed as a result of external influence or indoctrination. Value is an enduring belief that a specific that a specific end-state of conduct is desirable (McLeod, 1998). Terminal and instrumental values are two types of values where the former refer to the desired end-state of existence, for example wisdom and the later refer to the mode of conduct that leads to it, for example broad-mindedness .Values then influence and determine the decisions we choose to make in our daily lives. In providing an effective, therapeutic therapy, a practitioner helping a client encountering dilemma in decision- making may adopt the eight – step model approach to think through the ethical problems (Corey, Corey & Callanan, 2007). The steps of the model are described as follows: Step 1- Identify the problem or dilemma. In the first step the existence of the problem must be recognised. The nature of the problem has to be ascertained. Identify if it is an ethical, legal, moral, professional or clinical problem. The practitioner’s and the client’s insights regarding the problem must be examined. Consultation with the client can begin at this stage as problems are being identified. Looking at the problem from different perspectives is useful as most ethical dilemmas are complex. Step 2 – Identify the potential issues involved. From the collected information, irrelevant ones must be discarded. The critical issues must be noted and described. The welfare of those involved; their rights and responsibilities must be evaluated. Ethical principles relevant to the problem must be identified and examined with the client. In doing so the moral principles namely, autonomy, non-maleficence, beneficence, justice and fidelity must be considered and applied to the  situation. The safety and welfare of the client and practitioner cannot be compromised while potential issues are being sorted out. Step 3- Review the relevant ethics codes. The practitioner must seek guidance that can be found from the professional codes of ethics. They provide a basis for accountability, and through their enforcement, provide protection for clients from unethical practices (Corey, 1997). Practitioner must also examine the agreeability of his values with the relevant codes. Should they be in conflict, he must have a rationale to support his stance. It is essential to consider congruency of these values and ethics with those of the client’s. The practitioner must ensure clarity of the ethical codes and if they are applicable with the state laws of the region. Step 4- Know the applicable laws and regulations. The practitioner should be up to date with the specific and relevant laws that apply to the ethical issue. This is particularly critical in situations which deal with keeping or breaching of confidentiality, reporting of child or elder abuse, record keeping, assessment, diagnosis, issues pertaining to dangers to self or others and the grounds of malpractice. Step 5- Obtain consultation. Consulting with colleagues to obtain different perspectives on the problems is generally considered to be helpful. Seeking legal counsel for legal questions is prudent along with consulting a person with an expertise in an unfamiliar culture to serve a client from that culture. In addition the practitioner must understand current rules and regulations of the agency or organization that he or she is working for. It is wise for the nature of the consultation and suggestions provided to be documented. These records would illustrate the practitioner’s attempt to adhere to the community’s standard practice. Step 6- Consider possible and probable courses of action. At this point a list of a variety of courses of action may be identified  through brainstorming. The practitioner could discuss with the client as well as other professionals the available options. The possibilities could be identified for probable courses of actions and these should be documented. Step 7- Enumerate the consequences of various decisions. From the various possible courses of actions, implications of each course must be examined. The questions of who will be affected and to what extent will the client’s decision to pursue the actions affect them must be carefully examined. Again using the fundamental moral principles as a framework, the client must collaborate with the practitioner to ascertain the probable outcomes and consequences. If new ethical issues arise from the selected course of action, a re-evaluation of the action must be pursued. Step 8- Decide on what appears to be the best course of action. Careful consideration of all information received from different sources deliberately and with sensitivity to cross cultural issues is critical before making the best decision. Once making the decision, informing the supervisor, implementing and documenting the decision follows. Reflecting on the experience considering any follow up action could result in finding a solution for the client. While the procedural steps may help in resolving ethical matters, some implications may be noted. Firstly, the client enters a collaborative relationship with the practitioner. The implication is that the client with the practitioner’s help must draw out the details of the problem. This implicates that the client should refrain from coveting relevant information to enable an accurate analysis of the issue. This is to ascertain the true nature of the problem whether it is an ethical, legal, moral, professional, or clinical one. The different perspectives of the problem must be explored. What are the insights the client and practitioner have regarding the problem? (Corey et al., 2007). Failing which the consequence is an unnecessary delay in resolving the problem as there will be an inaccurate analysis of the situation. Secondly, in identifying the potential issues, all the persons involved in the problem must be identified. The implication of failing to identify any one individual who may be affected by the decision of the client would be unethical. The welfare, rights and responsibilities of those affected by the decision might create a different set of problems. The decision would then have to be reversed and a new course of action would have to be pursued. It is to therefore necessary to explore to what extent the course of the action will affect the client and the others (Corey et al., 2007). Next the values and ethics of the client and the practitioner must be evaluated and the degree of congruency noted. This implicates that the relevant ethical principles that are identified to the problem should not be in conflict with those of the client and the practitioner. If there are disagreements, then they must be supported with a rationale. If necessary, guidance must be sought from the relevant organization to clarify the professional codes to the particular problem. Otherwise consequently, the client’s decision may violate the ethical codes relevant to the issue. The client must be informed of the relevant and most recent laws or regulations that apply to the situation. He must look out for any law or regulations that have a bearing on the situation. The implication of his ignorance is that he may run into problems with the law. The practitioner too must abide by the rules, regulations and policies of the workplace. When in doubt practitioner must seek professional advice. The client must be informed of legal issues related to confidentiality, abuse of the vulnerable, record keeping and grounds for malpractice. If the practitioner discovers a criminal act by a client for example, sex with an under-aged girl he has the moral responsibility to report him. The practitioner has the ethical responsibility to discuss with the client on the implications of his actions before reporting the incident. The client must understand the implications of his actions that violate the law. The fundamental moral principles may be considered as framework for evaluating the consequences of the given course of action. The client must  decide the principles that apply to the situation specifically and prioritise them. By thinking through these ethical principles, professional can better evaluate their options in such complex situations. Prioritising the principles can help the client and practitioner to work through the steps of the decision-making model (Elizabeth, 2010). There are implications however when prioritizing one over another. The practitioner encourages the client to exercise autonomy i.e. making a free choice. In doing so, the client must have the concept of doing no harm or non-maleficence and acting in justice (Elizabeth, 2010). Conflict can arise when subscribing to justice which may result in the necessity of treating an individual differently. Though not easy to apply equal weightage to all the principles, it will help to explore an ethical dilemma and resolve it with the least damage to the welfare of those affected. The model may be useful when clients seek help in making decisions in their life regarding relationship issues. A client may be caught in a loveless marriage and be involved in an extra-marital affair and seek advice to take the next step in his life. The dilemma of whether to dissolve his marriage and move on with his life or stay in the marriage to fulfil his duties towards his wife and children is one that needs careful consideration. A divorce would mean breaking up of his family and causing a disruption in the relationship with his children. Staying in the marriage would mean the sacrifice of his love life. Analysing his situation using the model can shed light to clarify the implications of his actions and weigh the consequences. The model may help clients to make decisions at their place of work regarding conflicting work practices. An office worker may be tormented by the wrong practices of her fellow colleagues. She may be facing a dilemma as to whether to report her colleagues to the management or turn a blind eye to the situation. The model can help the client to analyse the situation and evaluate her moral values. She would then be able to make an ethical decision that would do least harm to those involved in the situation. In conclusion, the eight – step model can be a useful tool in helping a practitioner to guide clients to make sound decisions that do not have  conflict with their ethics and are aligned with the laws and regulations of the region. In doing so the practitioner must ensure that he or she is operating in the best interest of the clients.

Friday, September 13, 2019

Separation of church and state Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1500 words

Separation of church and state - Essay Example In this writing, the second meaning of separation will be used and its importance will be discussed. Different stakeholders have hotly debated over whether the state and church should operate separately or they should operate hand in hand. According to Corbett, 62% of those surveyed during a research conducted in 1995 responded that the church and state should be separated and operate separately (Corbett 223). This means that if 62% are in favor of separation, then the remaining population was either against it or had a neutral view. Those who argue against separation state that religion can provide proper guideline to state and God’s word should be followed. There is a need to separate church and the state; the church should not be involved in guiding the legal principles of the state because it: is unconstitutional, unethical, leads to inequality, leads to irrational decision making and will destabilize United States. Body Church and state should operate separately and the c hurch should not be allowed to influence the legal operations of the state because it is unconstitutional according to the constitution of United States of America. The constitution of the US is a worded document that helps in making legal rules and regulations for the nation. The constitution of the United States comprises of a total of 10 amendments and these amendments are regards as the Bill of Rights and the very first amendments of the constitution states that the congress of the government of United States should not create laws in order to assist any particular religion (Rotunda 309). This means that if congress makes rules and regulations that favor a religious group, then they are indulging in an unconstitutional act. If congress is influenced by Christians and those who belong to churches, there is a higher probability that they will make rules and regulations that will favor only the Christians and such an act by the congress will result in an unconstitutional act. Anoth er reason due to which church and state should be separated is that it is unethical for the church to influence the state and state’s decision making. According o the utilitarian method of ethical decision making, decisions as well as actions should be scrutinized on the basis of benefits and costs they offer to the society and those decisions or behaviors should be regarded as ethical that result in highest amount of benefits and lowest amount of costs for the society as compared to any other decision or act that may be conducted under a particular situation (Pollock 29). If church influences the state and rules and regulations of a nation, it is more likely that a very small portion of the society will benefit and that will comprise of only those who are the followers of Christianity, while people following other religions will end up suffering losses and costs. According to the statistics provided by CIA World Fact Book, there are several different religious groups residin g in United States. Out of these religious groups, the majority is formed by Christians and among the Christians, 51% of people follow the Protestant churches and outnumber people who belong to other churches of Christianity and people who follow other religions (CIA World Fact Book 1). This means that if churches are allowed to make decisions or influence the decision making process in the government, it is more likel